A nurturing approach to skill growth.
“Every child in wonderful” … oh you had better believe it!
With so many years of experience under our belt its no wonder we have fine tuned our approach to children who need a little extra support. We support them as individuals coaxing out their confidence to learn and explore more!
Extra support when it is needed.
We believe all children are entitled to a high-quality education that promotes high standards, is appropriate to their needs, and helps them to achieve their best possible outcomes and fulfil their potential.
When children are at earlier stages of development than expected, it is important to notice what they enjoy doing and find out where their difficulties may lie. By getting to know our children well, through a robust Key Person system and ongoing monitoring we will quickly notice when some are struggling to do some of the things that we would expect to see for their chronological age.
Within a few weeks of starting the Pre-school we will have a good indication of what stage of development they are currently at. All children are individual and it is part of normal childhood development and may just indicate that, with minor adjustments to the teaching methods, or the provision of small amounts of support, encouragement and additional help, good progress can be made.
All children who attend before they turn 3 will have a 2-year Development Check which may also indicate if there are any areas where extra support is required.
Supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities
Our focus is on removing any barriers to learning and development for any child who attends South Nutfield Pre School. Our aim is to give all children the best start in life. When we have identified a child as having a special educational need and/or disability it is vital that we support the family and the child through a cycle of support. The cycle consists of Assess, Plan, Do and Review which supports the Graduated Response document used to identify levels of support a child or their family may require to acheive their long-term outcomes. Helen Cameron is the Pre Schools SENco. If you have a child with additional needs, please contact Helen to discuss how the Pre School can work with you to support your child.